Volunteering With NH Fish and Game
Volunteer Opportunities That Benefit NH’s Wildlife Resources And Outdoor Recreation
Get involved as a volunteer for Fish and Game's programs and events!
Opportunities include becoming a volunteer instructor for Let's Go Fishing, OHRV safety programs, or Hunter Education; a Fish & Wildlife Steward; or a Watershed Education Program liaison in schools to assist with water quality, macroinvertebrate, and fisheries programs. Help out at one of Fish and Game's education centers, pitch in to assist the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, or help monitor wildlife. You must be 18 or older to volunteer.
What: Winter Turkey Flock Monitoring
Where: Statewide
When: January 1 - March 31
Description: Citizens are asked to report sightings of turkey flocks seen by filling out a simple electronic survey form posted on the Fish and Game website. Please do not report multiple sightings of the same flock.
Contact: Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461
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What: NH Turkey Brood Survey
Where: Statewide
When: June 1- August 31
Description: Citizens are asked to report sightings of turkey flocks seen by filling out a simple electronic survey form posted on the Fish and Game website. Please do not report multiple sightings of the same flock.
Contact: Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461
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What: Piping Plover Monitoring
Where: Hampton and Seabrook NH beaches
When: May through July (time commitment is flexible)
Description: Help monitor state endangered and federally threatened piping plover shorebirds as they nest and raise their young along the NH seacoast. Volunteers record observations, talk with beach goers, and help maintain fencing and signage. Volunteers must be comfortable working independently and outdoors.
Contact: Brendan Clifford at Brendan.clifford@wildlife.nh.gov or call the piping plover monitor at (603) 419-9728
What: Reptile and Amphibian Reporting Program (RAARP)
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Report sightings of reptiles and amphibians to assist biologists in determining species abundance and distribution. Reports include species name, date, location, and a photo for verification. Reports of both rare and common species are important. Verified reports of rare species locations are mapped and stored in a database used for land protection and conservation purposes.
Contact: the NH Fish and Game Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or email wildlife@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Count Bats for Conservation
Where: Statewide
When: June - August
Description: Count bats as they exit their summer roost in June, then again later in the summer to see how the colony has grown as pups begin flying. Instructions and documents are available online.
Contact: the NH Fish and Game Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or email wildlife@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Butterfly Monitoring
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Count and identify butterfly species to provide data on how species ranges are changing over time. Instructions and documents are available online.
Contact: Heidi Holman at (603) 271-3018 or email Heidi.L.Holman@wildlife.nh.gov
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Wildlife Education (Stewards)
What: Fish and Wildlife Stewards Program
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Stewards are trained to present programs to adult groups about the federal Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program and how it benefits the work at NH Fish and Game.
Contact: Lindsay Webb at Lindsay.M.Webb@wildlife.nh.gov or call (603) 271-6649
Marine Fisheries
What: Fish Ladders
Where: Several towns in the seacoast area
When: Primarily weekends, holidays and some weekdays during April through June.
Description: Assist Fish and Game staff in monitoring coastal fish ladders during the spring and early summer fish migrations. Time commitment ranges between 3 and 8 hours per day, depending on the project.
Contact: reg3@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Rainbow Smelt Research Project
Where: Several towns in the seacoast area
When: weekdays (Monday – Thursday) and holidays during March and April.
Description: Assist Fish and Game staff in sampling coastal rivers for rainbow smelt spawning activity during early spring. Time commitment ranges between 3 and 8 hours per day, depending on the project.
Contact: reg3@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Striped Bass Volunteer Angler Survey
Where: New Hampshire coastal waters
When: Ongoing
Description: Volunteers of all experience levels are needed to report on striped bass fishing trips taken in New Hampshire waters. Information requested includes catch and effort information about each trip taken, whether for only a single trip or many. Anglers are also requested to measure the lengths of all striped bass they catch, including those fish that are released.
Contact: reg3@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Great Bay Discovery Center
Where: 89 Depot Road Greenland, NH 03840
When: April–November
Phone: (603) 778-0015
Web: www.greatbay.org/get-involved
Contact: Melissa Brogle at (603) 778-0015 or email melissa.brogle@wildlife.nh.gov
Inland Fisheries
Inland Fisheries Division has multiple volunteer opportunities every year including stream electrofishing.
Contact: John Magee at john.a.magee@wildlife.nh.gov
Aquatic Education
What: Watershed Education Program for Docents
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Attend a comprehensive training program to assist teachers with classroom curricula projects on watershed ecology and management strategies to improve and/or maintain the water quality in their watershed.
Contact: Kayla Marshwood at (603) 271-0456 or Kayla.A.Marshwood@wildlife.nh.gov
What: Watershed Education Program for Teachers
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Attend a comprehensive training program to develop classroom curricula on watershed ecology and management. Water sampling and macroinvertebrate collection, ArcGIS computer models, and setting up a fish tank in the classroom are just some of the activities students may use to learn about how to improve and/or maintain the water quality in their local watershed.Contact: Kayla Marshwood at (603) 271-0456 or Kayla.A.Marshwood@wildlife.nh.gov
What: Let’s Go Fishing Volunteer Instructors
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Attend training in one, or all areas of interest including fly fishing, ice fishing, saltwater fishing and/or fly tying and then sign up to teach a whole class on your own or work with another instructor and just teach parts of a class.
Contact: Aquatic Resources Education Program at (603) 271-3212, or aquatic-ed@wildlife.nh.gov
Hunter Education
What: Hunter Education Volunteer Instructor
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Become certified to teach basic hunter/bowhunter education courses, by New Hampshire State Law these courses are required for every first-time hunter.
Contact:Hunter Education Program at (603) 271-3212; email hunter-ed@wildlife.nh.gov
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What: Owl Brook Hunter Education Center
Where: 387 Perch Pond Rd, Holderness, NH
When: Ongoing
Description: Help with shooting range supervision, trail and grounds maintenance, explaining exhibits to visitors, leading and assisting with center activities, office/receptionist work and hunter education instruction.
Contact: Tom Flynn at (603) 536-1290
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Trapper Education
What: Trapper Education Volunteer Instructor
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Become certified to teach trapper education courses, this course is required for every first-time trapper and is also required to become a licensed Wildlife Control Officer.
Contact: Eric.F.Geib@wildlife.nh.gov
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OHRV / Snowmobile Safety Education
What: Snowmobile / ATV / Trailbike Safety Education
Where: Statewide
When: Ongoing
Description: Become certified to teach OHRV Safety Education Courses.
Contact: (603) 271-3129 or ohrv@wildlife.nh.gov
Education Centers
What: Great Bay Discovery Center
Where: 89 Depot Road, Greenland, NH
When: April - November
Description: Two main volunteer opportunities: Education Program Volunteers and Exhibit Room Volunteers. Education volunteers conduct programs on cultural and natural history for school children and can also help with summer kids' programs. Exhibit Room volunteers meet and greet guests, monitor the discovery tank, take care of the store, and other duties. There is also a need for volunteers to help out with the maintenance of the grounds and gardens at the Center and on other Reserve properties.
Contact: Melissa Brogle at (603) 778-0015 or melissa.brogle@wildlife.nh.gov
Visit: greatbay.org/get-involved/
What: Twin Mountain Fish and Wildlife Center
Where: Route 3 between Carroll and Whitefield.
When: May - October
Description: Greet visitors, answer questions on fish-raising, stocking and the theme exhibit exploring watersheds -- what they are, how plants, animals, and humans interact and impact them and/or assist with staff with hatchery operations.
Contact: Tom Paschal at (603) 846-5429
Visit: www.twinmountain.com/hatchery.php
What: Warren Fish and Wildlife Center
Where: Warren, NH
When: May - October
Description: Greet visitors, answer questions on fish-raising, stocking and the theme exhibit – Wildlife, People and the Land: the different natural communities, their associated wildlife and human interactions and/or assist with staff with hatchery operations.
Contact: Sterling Baker at (603) 764-8593
What: Barry Conservation Camp
Where: Milan, NH
When: Ongoing
Description: Help is needed with ongoing improvement projects at Fish and Game's summer camp for youth. Volunteers can join a work party, contribute specific construction skills or materials, take on a particular project, or help raise funds for an endowment to ensure that camp is always here to nurture New Hampshire's future outdoors-men and women.
Contact: Mark Beauchesne at (603) 271-6355 or Mark.Beauchesne@wildlife.nh.gov
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