Wildlife Habitat Program

Managing New Hampshire's Habitats for Wildlife and the Public.

Native wildlife and their habitats are vital to the health of NH’s landscape and character that’s why NH Fish & Game’s Wildlife Habitat Program conserves and improves habitats for the state’s wildlife on public and privately-owned lands. We also ensure the public has access to these lands so they can enjoy them. Learn more about the program below.

The Wildlife Habitat Program conserves healthy wild landscapes that sustain our fish and wildlife which are a vital component of NH’s character and way of life.  One way we do that is by ensuring state lands provide a diversity of habitats. New Hampshire has a wide variety of habitats that provide food and shelter to thousands of insects, and hundreds of birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and mammals. To maintain this biodiversity, some habitats will always require management.  Learn about the Wildlife Habitat Program’s approach to managing habitats on WMAs and other state lands.

Healthy private lands are imperative to maintaining healthy habitats for the state’s wildlife. The NH Fish and Game Department has a long history of providing advice and funding to landowners to help them help wildlife on their lands.


WSFR LogoFor almost a century, America’s firearms and ammunition manufacturers have shared a partnership with state wildlife agencies through the Pittman-Robertson Act — a partnership that funds remarkable conservation success stories across New Hampshire and the rest of America and fosters hunting and shooting sports at the same time.  The Wildlife Habitat Program’s work is primarily funded through the monies garnered through the Pittman-Robertson Act coupled with matching funds provided by the $2.50 wildlife habitat fee on hunting and trapping licenses. Through these two funding sources, The Wildlife Habitat Program improves wildlife habitat on public and private lands and provides places where you can practice your outdoor traditions for years to come.

You have invested millions of dollars in conserving lands for wildlife and wildlife-based recreation like hunting, trapping, and wildlife watching. The Wildlife Habitat Program protects your investments by ensuring those lands are kept for wildlife and the public and not for private benefit by keeping boundaries well marked. We also work to ensure you can find and safely access these lands by installing and maintaining signs, providing parking, maintaining woods roads, and other types of property maintenance. 

Habitat Types and Species

Habitats of New Hampshire and the things that live there

Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Logo

Wildlife & Sportfish Restoration Program

Wildlife & Sportfish Restoration Program

Federal grant money for this extensive investment in wildlife habitat was provided through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Conservation Investment with funding derived from manufacturer taxes on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment. These funds, collected and distributed under the Wildlife Restoration Program, have provided tens of millions of dollars for wildlife conservation in New Hampshire since the program began in the 1930s.