Spotted Turtle
Clemmys guttata
NH Conservation Status: State Threatened, Wildlife Action Plan Species in Greatest Need of Conservation. Legally protected in New Hampshire: possession, sale, import, and take (harm, harass, injuring, killing) is illegal.
State Rank Status: Imperiled (S2)
Distribution: Southeastern NH.
Description: A small 3-5 inch turtle recognized by numerous yellow spots covering a dark carapace. The number of spots is variable. Spots can also be found on the head and limbs.
Commonly Confused Species: Blanding's turtle.
Habitat: Wetlands with shallow, permanent water bodies and emergent vegetation. Marshes, vernal pools, wet meadows, swamps, ponds, and slow-moving streams and rivers all provide suitable habitats for spotted turtles. Terrestrial habitat used extensively while searching for suitable nesting sites, traveling among wetland habitats, and periods of inactivity during high temperatures.
Life History: From June to July, 2-8 eggs are laid in open meadows, fields, or other disturbed habitats. Hibernates under tree or shrub roots in wetlands or vernal pools.
Conservation Threats: Terrestrial and wetland habitat loss and fragmentation, road mortality, collection by humans, and increases in the abundance of subsidized predators (e.g., raccoons).