Gray Tree Frog

Hyla versicolor

Gray tree frogNH Conservation Status: Not listed

State Rank Status: Widespread and secure

Distribution: Throughout NH except north of the White Mountains

Description: A small 1-2 inch frog usually a brownish gray or greenish color. The skin is rough with several dark spots. Usually a light spot with a dark edge below each eye. The inner thighs are bright yellow or orange.

Commonly Confused Species: Spring peeper

Habitat: Forested areas with small trees or shrubs that are close to water. Found under loose bark on trees, tree cavities, or in rotting logs during summer. Seldom seen on the ground.

Life History: Attaches up to 2000 eggs to vegetation in shallow water. Hibernates under tree roots or matted leaves.

Voice: A loud, resonating trill.

Conservation Threats: Species is secure

Distribution Map