Martes pennanti
Description: Fishers (locally called fisher-cat, although they're not related to cats nor do they eat a lot of cats) have long, slender bodies with muscular, short legs similar to their cousins -- weasel, mink, marten, and otter. Their thick, grayish-brown to brownish-black glossy fur tends to be darker on females. White-tipped hairs on older fisher give a grizzled appearance. Fisher have strong claws for climbing and a long, bushy, black, tapered tail. Males average 4-12 pounds, about twice the size of females.
Commonly Confused Species: American Marten
Range and Distribution: Fisher are found from southeastern Alaska and British Columbia east to northern Minnesota, upstate New York, northern New England, and eastern Canada and south to the California Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming.
Fisher are common throughout New Hampshire and New England. However, the species has had varying population levels through time. Historically. land conversion, habitat alteration, wildlife population dynamics, and unregulated harvest lead to variable population levels.
Diet: Fisher, although carnivorous, generally eat whatever comes along. Their main prey include snowshoe hare, porcupine, small mammals (mice, voles, shrews, moles) , and squirrels (gray, red, and flying squirrels). They also feed on birds, amphibians, insects, fruits, nuts, and carrion. They help keep mice and vole numbers under control. Fisher kill porcupines by repeated swift attacks to the face and head. After killing the porcupine, the fisher flips it over on its back and starts eating the belly.
Reproduction: Mating occurs in March and April and females give birth to a litter of 1-6 (average is 3) kits born nearly a year later. Females usually give birth in a tree cavity 20-30 feet off the ground.
Habitat Use: Fishers are solitary except during the mating season. Fisher travel along ridges, crossing stream valleys to reach the next ridge.
They range widely in search of food, traveling up to 60 miles on some hunting forays. They regularly travel over 10-20 square miles, although this home range is not defended. Fisher are active throughout the year, mostly at night, sunrise, and sunset.