Eastern / Red-spotted Newt

Notophthalmus viridescens

Eastern/red-spotted newtNH Conservation Status: Not listed.


State Rank Status: Wide spread and secure.


Distribution: Throughout New Hampshire.


Description: Aquatic adults range in color from olive to brownish-green and have red spots on their back. The belly is yellow. During the immature terrestrial “red eft” stage, the body is completely bright orange or red.


Commonly Confused Species: The eft stage may be confused with the redback salamander.


Habitat: Adults are found in permanent water bodies including ponds, marshes, and shallow lakes. The terrestrial efts can be found out in the open on moist forest floors after rainfall. They also hide under logs, bark, stones, and leaf litter.


Life History: Up to 400 eggs are attached singly to submerged vegetation in ponds, lakes, or swamps. Larvae are aquatic. Juvenile red-efts spend 1-3 years on land before returning to the water. Adults may be active all winter on pond bottoms or in streams.


Conservation Threats: Habitat loss, water pollution.


Distribution Map