Eastern Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum
NH Conservation Status: Not Listed
State Rank Status: Widespread and secure
Distribution: Throughout NH except far northern regions.
Description: A slender-bodied snake ranging from 24-36 inches. There are heavy red or reddish-brown blotches over a gray base along the top and a black-on-white checkerboard pattern on the belly. Often has a Y shaped light spot on the top of the head.
Commonly Confused Species: Timber Rattlesnake; Copperhead (not a NH species), Corn snake (not a NH species)
Habitat: Found in a variety of habitats including fields, farmland, woodlands, and rocky hillsides. May also be found in barns or old basements with stone foundations. Uses logs, stones, boards, or trash piles for cover.
Life History: Lays 6-24 eggs during summer in soils piles or under logs, boards, or trash piles. Diet fluctuates depending on habitat and may include small mammals, snakes, amphibians, and eggs. Milk snakes may shake their tails rapidly, often sounding like a rattle.
Conservation Threats: People killing individual snakes because of fear.