Eastern Lampmussel
Lampsilis radiata radiata
NH Conservation Status: Not listed
NH State Rank Status: Apparently secure (global – secure)
Distribution: Coastal watershed and the Lower Connecticut and Merrimack River watersheds. See which watersheds and/or waterbodies PDF Document the species has been documented.
Description: A medium sized to large mussel reaching 5 inches in length. The shell color varies from yellowish-green to brownish-black. Often numerous green rays on shell. The inner shell (nacre) is white or bluish-white. The shell of the eastern lampmussel is thick, especially when compared to the floaters.
Commonly Confused Species: Eastern elliptio
Habitat: Sandy and gravely substrates of rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. Mainly found in cool or warmwater habitats; rarely found in small coldwater streams where eastern pearlshell more likely.
Life History: Uses a variety of host fish including large and small-mouth bass, yellow perch, sunfish, and crappie.
Conservation Threats: Species is secure. No known major threats known although more data is needed to assess.