Blue-spotted Salamander

Ambystoma laterale

Blue-spotted salamanderNH Conservation Status: Wildlife Action Plan Species in Greatest Need of Conservation.

State Rank Status: Apparently secure.

Distribution: Throughout New Hampshire.

Description: A dark-bodied salamander measuring 3.5-5 inches and speckled with blue or white flecks and spots across the back, sides, and tail.

Commonly Confused Species: The Jefferson salamander is larger, Jefferson/blue-spotted complex.

Habitat: Most commonly in moist hardwood forests but also in wooded swamps, marshes, and bogs. Spends most of time underground burrowing under logs, rocks, and mats of moss and vegetation.

Life History: Deposits small masses of eggs in vernal pools during spring. Hibernates underground during winter. Hybridizes with Jefferson salamanders.

Conservation Threats: Habitat loss and fragmentation, acid rain, road mortality during breeding periods; hybridizes with Jefferson salamander.

Wildlife Action Plan Species Profile

Distribution Map