Senior and Milestone Licenses

Information on Senior and Milestone Licenses in New Hampshire


Discounted Senior Licenses

Available online or at any license agent

Discounted senior licenses are available to residents who are at least 68 years of age at the time of purchase, and born in or after 1948. Must be purchased annually. Residents must be at least 68 at the time of purchase to qualify for senior rates. Basic prices are indicated below; transaction and wildlife habitat fees may also apply.

Senior license applicants must present a valid New Hampshire driver's license or state-issued non-driver's photo identification card from NH Division of Motor Vehicle. To qualify for the hunting or archery licenses, one of the following must be presented: a previously held hunting license or certification of completion from an approved hunter education course; or a previously held archery license or certification of completion form an approved bow education course issued from any U.S. state or Canadian province.

The following types of resident senior licenses are available online or at any license agent:

  • Senior Freshwater Fishing ($7)
  • Senior Combination Hunting and Fishing ($7)
  • Senior Muzzleloader ($3)
  • Senior Archery ($3)
  • *Note: $2 transaction fee charge per license form, $2.75 online.

All other license types, including Saltwater Recreational Fishing, must be purchased annually at the regular rates.


Permanent Special Resident Milestone License

For New Hampshire residents who were born in or before 1947, free permanent licenses are available. These free licenses can only be obtained at Fish and Game headquarters or Regional Offices 1 (Lancaster), 2 (New Hampton), 4 (Keene), and at limited license agents. You may also print and mail an application to NH Fish and Game Headquarters in Concord.

Permanent license types are: Fishing, Combination Hunting & Fishing, Muzzleloader, Archery, and Clam/Oyster. All other license types, including Saltwater Recreational Fishing, must be purchased annually at the regular rates at any license agent or online.

The permanent license is not valid if the license holder moves out of state. Non-resident seniors pay regular non-resident license prices; they are not eligible for the free, permanent licenses.


Application for Permanent Special Resident Milestone Hunting and Fishing License  


Permanent clam/oyster license: Free license available to all New Hampshire residents age 68 or older. Can be obtained only at Fish and Game headquarters or Regional Offices 1 (Lancaster) and 2 (New Hampton), and 4 (Keene).

Permanent trapping license: Free license available to all New Hampshire residents age 68 or older. Can be obtained only at Fish and Game headquarters.