Wildlife Legacy Initiative

Supporting Operation Land Share and our rich tradition of outdoor recreation in NH.

Fall foliageIf you love New Hampshire's wildlife and wild places, give a little extra this year to help support Fish and Game's work. The Wildlife Legacy Initiative gives everyone who benefits from Fish and Game services a chance to lend their personal support to the Department's programs.


There are two ways to give:

The program benefits New Hampshire Fish and Game's Landowner Relations Program, which is actively working to keep New Hampshire open for outdoor recreation by protecting access to private land for hunting and fishing.

To help landowners who provide access for hunting, the Landowner Relations Program promotes its Operation Land Share, which provides direct assistance to landowners to resolve issues resulting from sharing their land.

Landowner Relations Program efforts are funded through generous donations, sponsorships and grants. If you'd like to help, or to learn more about the program, visit www.wildnh.com. Your support will help to provide access for present and future generations of hunters and anglers.


Why does Fish and Game have a Landowner Relations Program?

Recognizing that the generosity of landowners in providing access to their land is critical to the future of hunting and fishing, the Landowner Relations Program focuses on maintaining access by identifying the issues and concerns landowners face and working proactively to address them. Simply put, lack of access is the most significant threat to the future of hunting and fishing in New Hampshire.

Hunting and fishing are set deep in New Hampshire tradition and are an integral part of our heritage. Many hunters and anglers have had these traditions passed down to them, and now they want to pass them along to future generations. We all have favorite memories -- a family trout pool or deer stand, bird hunting on a crisp fall day, ice-fishing with the grandkids, or hearing a gobbler respond to the first call of the day. The future of these traditions is at risk because, throughout New Hampshire, people are finding it increasingly difficult to find a place to hunt or fish.

The Wildlife Legacy Initiative, which helps support the Landowner Relations Program, replaced Fish and Game's former "Super Sport" donation program.

What kinds of activities does the Landowner Relations Program support?

The Landowner Relations Program works in partnership with hunters, anglers, and landowners to maintain and enhance access to private lands for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. These efforts include:

  • Fosters relationships with landowners and sportspeople to ensure access remains open for outdoor recreation. 
  • Providing outreach to landowners, including information on the protection from liability that they have through RSA 212:34 "Duty of Care."
  • Showing appreciation and recognition for landowners who keep their land open for public use.


Contact the Landowner Relations Program:

For more information on the Landowner Relations Program or to get involved with the program, please call (603) 271-6355, email landownerassistance@wildlife.nh.gov or visit wildnh.com.

Thank you for your support!