Hunting Reports & Harvest Summaries

List of Hunting Reports by Season and Yearly Harvest Summaries

Bow hunter taking aim in the woodsNH Hunting Reports

Welcome, hunters!  Reports are posted on this page monthly in-season and occasionally through the year as New Hampshire hunting news becomes available.


See The 2024 Hunting Season Overview  


NH Wildlife Harvest Summary

Each year the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department publishes a summary of harvest information on the take of deer, black bear, moose, wild turkey and furbearers in the state. Reports typically are published in March of the following year, after data have been analyzed. Note: Summaries are 1-3 MB each and may take several minutes to load. 


2023 Wildlife Harvest Summary

2022 Wildlife Harvest Summary

2021 Wildlife Harvest Summary

Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Logo

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration is a user-pay, user-benefit program focused on researching and managing wildlife and te4aching people to become safe, responsible hunters. These activities are funded by your license dollars and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program, which is supported by an excise tax on your purchase of firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment.