Bear Dog Hunting and Training Reciprocity List

Non-Residents Allowed to Train or Hunt with Dogs for Bear in NH

Pursuant to NH RSA 207:12-b (text provided below), nonresidents are allowed to bring their dogs to NH to hunt or train on bear only if their state/province allows NH hunters to bring their dogs to their state/province for the same activities.  Refer to the list below to determine if your state is reciprocal.

NH RSA 207: 12-b - “Nonresidents from states or provinces or territories of Canada which allow the training or taking of bear with dogs, and who do not limit or prohibit New Hampshire residents from training or hunting bear with New Hampshire dogs, shall be the only nonresidents allowed to bring dogs into New Hampshire to train on or take bear.”

Please note: This law only pertains to the ability for a nonresident to bring hounds into NH and does not prevent hunters from any state hunting bear in NH with dogs from states deemed reciprocal or by other methods (e.g., bait, still hunting/stalking).

NH bear dog training is closed from March 1 - June 30.


Bear Dog Hunting and Training Reciprocity List


The following states (and Provinces) you cannot bring dogs to hunt Bear and cannot bring dogs to train on Bear;

Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, Arkansas, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Manitoba, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Brunswick, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, Newfoundland/Labrador, North Dakota, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming.


The following states (and Provinces) you can bring dogs to hunt Bear and can bring dogs to train on Bear;

Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.


The following states (and Provinces) you can bring dogs to hunt Bear and cannot bring dogs to train on Bear;

Arizona, and South Carolina.


The following states (and Provinces) you cannot bring dogs to hunt Bear and can bring dogs to train on Bear;

Michigan, New York, and Wisconsin.