Rehabilitation of Little Bog and Lower Trio Dams Meeting

Start Date: February 15, 2024
Start Time: 5:30 PM
Location: NH DNCR North Country Resources Center, 629B Main St., Lancaster, NH

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), Dam Bureau is currently working with a design consultant to rehabilitate Little Bog Dam and Lower Trio Dam in Odell.  Both dams are in Nash Stream State Forest and are owned by NH Fish and Game.  This project will replace the spillway section that breached at Little Bog Dam in 2005 with a new concrete spillway, which will return the level of the pond to the pre-breach level.  The rehabilitation at Lower Trio Dam will replace the 70-year-old wooden spillway with a new concrete spillway.  Additionally, the road between Little Bog Dam and Lower Trio Dam will be improved to allow for heavy equipment access to Lower Trio Dam.  Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds are being used to fully fund the project.  Design and permitting will be completed during the first half of 2024, with project bidding and contractor selection occurring during the second half of 2024.  The majority of the project is anticipated to occur in 2025, with final site cleanup in 2026. 

NHDES is holding a public informational meeting to discuss the details of the project and to answer any questions.  This meeting will occur on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 5:30pm at the NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources (DNCR) North Country Resources Center located at 629B Main Street in Lancaster, NH.

For more information, please contact Corey Clark, NHDES Dam Bureau at or (603) 271-1961.