Watershed Education Program Equipment
Materials And Equipment For Watershed Education Plan Lessons
These materials are available to schools on loan for free from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Aquatic Resources office. In order to reserve equipment, you must have attended the associated training. To reserve equipment, contact Kayla Croteau, Watershed Education Specialist, at (603) 271-0456 or Kayla.A.Marshwood@wildlife.nh.gov
Participants must sign an Equipment Loan Agreement form.
Hanna Multimeter with pH, EC, TDS and temperature measurements
- Materials in the storage case include:
- Meter
- Probe
- Directions to use the meter (laminated)
- One bottle each of buffer solution 4 & 7 (outside the storage case)
Hanna Dissolved Oxygen meter
- Materials in the storage case include:
- Meter
- Probe
- Screw driver
- Directions to use the meter (laminated)
HACH Turbidimeter
- Materials in the storage case include:
- Meter
- Calibration solutions
- Directions to use the meter
- Thermometers (C and F)
- Chest Waders, various sizes
- Rock Baskets
- Secchi Disk
- Macroinvertebrate trays, nets, identification guides

Wildlife & Sportfish Restoration Program
Wildlife & Sportfish Restoration Program
Aquatic WILD is part of Project WILD, an international conservation and environmental education program developed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies that focuses on wildlife and habitat. To learn more visit www.fishwildlife.org/projectwild.